Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction

For a long time that classic Rolling Stones song could have served as my theme song, because I never seemed to be satisfied. Nothing ever seemed to be quite good enough.

I still hold to that idea to some extent, but in a more reasonable fashion. I still think that what was good enough yesterday isn’t good enough today. But at the same time I appreciate what I accomplished yesterday, which is much different from my previous attitude.

There is nothing wrong with seeking to do better. Anyone who says he can’t do better is a liar, insane, or dead. But we must also allow ourselves the pleasure and enjoyment of celebrating our accomplishments. If we don’t, what is the point? We are simply spending our life chasing something that is just out of reach.

Along the same lines, I’ve also learned that doing it better isn’t always necessary. Sometimes we need close to perfection. But sometimes good is good enough. Recognizing those times has saved me a lot of effort, energy, and stress.

Most small business owners are pretty tough on themselves. There is nothing wrong with being driven to excellence. But at the same time we need to pat ourselves on the back once in a while. And while we are doing that, it might be good to remove our foot from our butt. Patting ourself on the back can be just as motivating as kicking ourself in the butt.

© BEP Enterprises Incorporated 2008

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