Monday, June 23, 2008

The Acrylic Factor

If you watch many sporting events, you will soon hear an announcer attribute a player or team’s performance to some “factor” . A loud crowd creates the “noise factor”. An older player has the “experience factor”. A young player has the “hunger factor”.

I won’t argue that these things have no impact on a player or a team. A vocal, friendly crowd can certainly provide inspiration. Experience can be beneficial, and youthful exuberance can be motivating. But the real and ultimate cause of success on the field is the player’s skill and performance.

Most of a player’s time is spent in mundane, and often boring, activities. He watches videos, lifts weights, practices routine skills, etc. Little of his time is spent on the field in front of cheering fans.

Few painting contractors ever perform before large, cheering crowds. But there are factors that influence our performance. Of these, one stands supreme, and I call it the “acrylic factor”.

In a paint can, acrylic is a superior resin. It has excellent adhesion.

In a business, acrylic is a metaphor for systems. Systems provide adhesion for the business. Systems produce consistent, desired, and superior results. Systems are the glue that holds the business together.

A business that lacks the acrylic factor performs less efficiently and less effectively. Paradoxically, despite its adhesive qualities—and actually because of them— the acrylic factor can turn your business into a well oiled machine.

© BEP Enterprises Incorporated 2008

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