Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tough Times

Tough times demand tough talk
Demand tough hearts demand tough songs

Rush, "Force Ten"

It is no secret that we are in tough economic times. The stock market goes up and down faster than a roller coaster. Financial institutions are struggling with bad debt. Consumers are understandably uneasy, and that can translate to tough times for painting contractors.

So what is a small business owner to do? I don't think tough songs is the answer, but a tough heart might do the trick.

Weathering tough economic times can test the mettle of anyone. Selling skills can become more crucial. Leads can become more precious. Duct Tape Marketing offers seven suggestions for dealing with tough economic times. While all of these tips don't necessarily apply to the typical painting contractor, they do provide a good starting point.

More importantly, the advice offered applies to all economic conditions. The best time to deal with tough times is before they occur.

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