Good sales skills begin with good listening skills. Brian Tracy suggests pausing before you respond to your customers. Pausing has three benefits
The first is that you avoid the risk of interrupting the prospect if he or she has just stopped to gather his or her thoughts. Remember, your primary job in the sales conversation is to build and maintain a high level of trust, and listening builds trust.
The second benefit of pausing is that your silence tells the prospect that you are giving careful consideration to what he or she has just said. By carefully considering the other person's words, you are paying him or her a compliment.
The third benefit of pausing before replying is that you will actually hear and understand the prospect better if you give his or her words a few seconds to soak into your mind.
I've seen a lot of contractors (and other people as well) who are so eager to share what is on their mind that they completely ignore what the customer is saying. The customer will realize this, and it will greatly undermine their confidence in you. Communication is a two-way street. Do your part by listening carefully and being certain you understand what you are hearing.
Price vs. Service
Many companies are lowering prices in order to retain customers. Bill Hogg points out that Ambercrombie and Fitch aren't. They plan to retain their brand--which is not based on price. Many contractors are going to be tempted to cut their prices during this tough economic times. But what will they do when the market recovers and their customers expect the lower prices? A better strategy is to improve service, which might even permit you to increase prices. Don't view the economy as an obstacle; view it as an opportunity.
Make Their Phone Ring
John Jantsch suggest a simple, yet effective way to generate leads. Rather than sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, make your customer's phone ring--give them a call and thank them for their past business. Discuss ways you can help them now. Ask what you can do better. Most importantly, remind them you want their business.
Low-Cost Marketing Ideas
Maria Garcia offers seven low-cost marketing ideas, including writing articles and networking. If your advertising budget is feeling the pinch, some of these ideas will get the word out without breaking the bank.
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