Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All Roads Don’t Lead to Rome

During their heyday, the Romans built such an elaborate system of roads that it seemed every road eventually led to Rome. In time the cliché “all roads lead to Rome” came to mean that whatever path you take will ultimately get you to your destination. In other words, all actions produce the same results.

This is hooey in the Nth degree.

Consider the implications within your painting business. If all roads lead to Rome, the level of prep really doesn’t matter. The type of paint you use really doesn’t matter. Obviously this is not true. But the issue goes deeper than that.

If all roads lead to Rome, showing up on time really doesn’t matter. Respecting the customer and his property really doesn’t matter. Doing the agreed upon work really doesn’t matter. Again, this is obviously not true.

If all roads lead to Rome, having systems doesn’t really matter. Having a marketing plan really doesn’t matter. Budgeting and planning really doesn’t matter. Once again, these items do matter.

In short, all roads don’t lead to Rome. The actions you take have a direct bearing on the results you achieve. And if you don’t believe me, try spitting in the face of the next customer you meet for an estimate.

© BEP Enterprises Incorporated 2008

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