Thursday, May 27, 2010

Know When to Shut Up

I have seen lots of painting contractors who just love to talk about how great their work is. Now, I have nothing against touting one's skills and abilities, but sometimes this strategy is a very ineffective sales tactic. Customers seldom care about how great you are--they want to know how that greatness will benefit them. And before we can share that information, we must first know what benefits they seek.

As an example, consider your own decision making process in regard to a work vehicle. Some contractors prefer trucks, while others prefer vans. A number of factors goes into such a decision. Yet, if a salesman decided that he knows what you want, he might spend his time explaining how great his truck is, while you really want a van. No matter how great the truck is, it won't meet your needs and desires.

Our customers are not monolithic--that want and need different things from our services. Their expectations and motivations differ. Many factors can be involved in their buying decision, and price is seldom the most important. If we want to appeal to a particular customer, we must know what factors he will consider. And since we aren't mind readers, we must let him tell us.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Web Site

For non-contractors who are interested in developing systems for their business, I have launched a new web site. This site provides articles, reports, and other information for small business owners interested in systematizing their business.