Friday, November 14, 2008

A Change in the Blog

I had several motivations for starting this blog. One was to share some of the information I have learned over the years. Another was because I enjoy writing, and blogging provides an outlet for that. After more than 10 months of blogging and nearly 300 posts, I am finding this less fun than I once did. I find myself rehashing the same issues and it is getting harder to find fresh ideas.

Writing about business related issues is enjoyable, but it isn't my true passion when it comes to writing. Many years ago I was a free-lance writer focusing on current events and political issues. In the early 1990's I was actively involved in numerous local political issues. For the past 14 years or so my business has occupied much of my time and the writing I am most passionate about took a back seat.

That is no longer the case. Last year I was hired as a consultant to help fight a zoning ordinance in New Mexico. More recently I have revived the organization I founded in the 1990's to address local political issues. I started a blog-- Live Oaks-- to address those issues and have re-discovered my true passion.

This past week I have written about my desire to Get Out of the Office. My primary motivation is so that I can spend more time writing about topics that really excite me.

I will continue to post on this blog, but it will be far less frequently. My writing always has been, and always will be, primarily aimed at pleasing me. If others enjoy it, that is a bonus. But no decent writer can focus on his audience-- he must write for his own pleasure and enjoyment. And so, I will write about paint contracting when I find topics of interest to me.

Along a similar line, I have almost ceased visiting the various contractor forums I once frequented. I find little of interest, and those threads that have promise often decay into juvenile bickering. I may use the forums as a source for ideas for this blog, which is appealing because it will allow me to have my say without being subjected to the uninformed and insulting comments I often receive.

I thank you for reading my blog. It's been fun to do (for the most part).

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